A lovely Sunday in the Twin Cities. I really missed that extra hour of sleep but managed to get up and going before 9:00. John and Gretchen took a flight to Florida for a mini vacation this afternoon and Mary headed back to school around 3:00. I met up with my gal pal Donna for brunch at Ike's at 1:00 and we had a blast. The last time we got together was just before I left on my first trip in January so we had a lot of catching up to do and stayed at the restaurant until after 3:00. The Ike's brunch is huge and is really just too much food for comfort, but we cleaned our plates anyway. The brunch always begins with the presentation of an enormous gooey cinnamon roll followed by: eggs, bacon, pancakes, toast, and sausage. At the end of it all patrons are presented chocolate chip cookies along with the bill because goodness knows after all of that food you are surely craving another sugary treat. I could have stayed at Ike's all day chatting with Donna but she needed to get to her office to finish up some work before she leaves on a business trip to DC tomorrow. After brunch I stayed downtown and did some clothes shopping at Sax Off 5th. Like most retailers the store was having a HUGE sale 20^% off your entire purchase. I purchased two pairs of Joe's jeans, one pair of skinny and the other classic fit and two blouses. I've never owned a pair of skinny jeans but I like the way they look and fit. After I bought them I started to worry that maybe they were already out of fashion; so I consulted John's daughter who assured me that skinny jeans are here to stay (at least for another season or two). It was actually Gretchen who introduced me to Joe's jeans when I scored a pair of her hand-me- downs a year ago and they quickly became my favorite pair of jeans. It was 64 degrees here today and when I drove by the Dairy Queen near work I was excited to see it open for the season (always closes during the winter). Not only was it open there was a line forming and several people standing in line were wearing shorts! Hello sunshine, hello Spring 2010.
Today's post is 80/90 and the clock is ticking down on my leave of absence. My final entry will be Sunday, March 28th.
I see major withdrawal issues in my future.