I don't know where the time goes, but ever since day light saving time began I've felt like there haven't been enough hours in the day. I got up early but not as early as the alarm (6:15). I did some chores at home and then headed for the gym. I haven't written much about my "hair journey" lately but today was "wash day" and it's quite an involved process. I start with a deep conditioner the night before and leave the conditioner in my hair overnight it's called pre-shampooing (preparing the hair for shampooing). Before I left the house I rinsed out the overnight conditioner (moisturizer) and washed the hair with an herbal powder shampoo, washed and rinsed, and then I saturated my hair with Dove conditioner. I covered my hair and tied on a scarf, and dashed off to the gym for my morning workout. I had a nice workout and even met up with two of my gym pals, LInda and Celeste. After my workout I rinse the conditioner out and sat in the sauna long enough to dry my hair about 50%, Next I sectioned my damp hair into four sections and made four braids. I covered my hair with a silk scarf and then put on my favorite navy blue hat. Next I went off to meet my pal Margaret Ann for lunch at her apartment. M.A. lives near my gym so the timing was perfect. We had a lovely afternoon catching up over herbal tea and Irish soda bread. I spent about three hours with M.A. and enjoyed seeing all of her recent purchases (leather sofa, flat screen TV, laptop, dining room table and chars, and new rug) no she didn't just win the lottery :>) Best of all was just spending the afternoon with my friend and enjoying her delightful company. After I left M.A's I ran a few errands and arrived home at about 5:30. I unbraided my hair and curled the ends just a bit and then snapped the attached photo. The style is called a "braid out" and it's super easy and l think it looks pretty good.
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