Lovely flowers from my lovely sisters
I woke up this morning so excited to look at myself in the mirror! I looked in the mirror expecting to be horrified at my own reflection; unfortunately, the face staring back at me was the same as before surgery save a little puffiness around my left eye. I was hoping to look like I'd been in a street fight all black and blue and maybe even a few stitches poking through my eyelid, but nope just puffy and a little redness. I guess the ice packs kept the swelling and bruising to a minimum. My follow-up appointment was at 10:20 and nurse Debbie and Dr Korbrin couldn't believe the lack swelling and ugliness. I have some soreness and I'm taking ES Tylenol about every 4 hours and keeping the eye iced and using the $71 prescription Tobrex ointment 2x daily as instructed. It will take six weeks to see the results of the surgery but after about 7 days my eye should appear "normal" but will continue to heal internally so I can't do anything to tug on the muscles or interfere with the healing process like rubbing my eye, putting in a contact lens, or even jarring exercises. After the follow-up appointment I ran a few errands and came home and took a nap. I've bee working on my Cook Island slideshow (posted) and watching TV. It's difficult to read for long periods, my eye gets dry because I'm not blinking normally. Today is Gretchen's 22nd birthday and she arrived home a few hours ago and Mary's flight is due in around 8:00 tonight. John is spending the weekend with his daughters and I'll go over tomorrow afternoon for a little party in Gretchen's honor. I guess that's about it for the day.
Aitutaki Cook Islands slideshow
Beautiful video...you look so at home.