Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Auto Show

The highlights of the day include lunch with John and his daughter, Brenda and a trip downtown for the Auto Show. We had a nice lunch near John's house and Brenda was in good spirits and looks good although she's complaining about "the freshman 15" her face definitely looks fuller but I don't think she's gained 15 pounds since starting college. I drove her back home so John could get down to his office but I managed to get lost while driving Brenda home due to some road construction and a detour. I finally dropped her off and got back on track. I met John at the Auto Show around 3:00. What I liked about the Auto Show was getting to see the cars without the pressure of overzealous sales people. I really like the Buick Regal, the Buick Lacrosse and the Volvo C30 coupe. My car is in pretty good shape and I'm not in the market for a new car at the moment but it never hurts to look and see what's out there. John was most interested in the fuel efficient cars and hybrids. We spent about a hour at the car show and then John went back to his office to work, and I went to the gym. Unfortunately, my trip to the gym turned out to be a trip to the sauna because I forgot my running shoes. After the nice long sauna, I had a nice chat with my sister and then a good long chat with my pal Felicia. I also had to catch up on yesterday's blog post. Now it's 10:30 and time for bed.

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