The highlight of the day was going over to the college for lunch with some of gang from the office. When I talked with J.R. in the morning she mentioned the annual “free lunch” in the dining hall. Every year before the start of the second semester our food service treats faculty and staff to lunch. It was so good to see so many people from the office before heading out of the country on Sunday. I spent several hours after lunch running errands. My first stop was at TJ Maxx to pick up the rollerbag like Tracy’s. I bought several layering pieces for the trip because I understand the mornings and evenings are cool and midday is very warm.. I also bought hiking sneakers and a small backpack. When I got home I decided to straighten my hair just for kicks and out of curiosity after 3 moths I was a little curious to see how it would look. I talked with John briefly, he’s still really busy trying to get everything tied up before the trip, and as a matter of fact he’s considering leaving a day later… because the weather in Santa Barbara is crummy (rainy and cool) and he thinks the extra day is necessary to complete his projects. Tomorrow morning he’s driving to Duluth on a very sad wrongful death case he’s been working on pro bono for the ACLU. I am excited to visit California but two days or three doesn’t really make a difference so if we leave on Friday that’s cool by me or even Saturday considering the pounding LA is getting in the storms right now. Goodnight.
Photo taken tonight after I straightened my hair
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