I’m afraid my sister Tracy is right… I am indeed “hair obsessed” Last night I dreamt my hair was yarn. It was fragile and stringy like yarn and I was freaking out about it!
I didn’t leave the house until 10:00 but it was a full and productive day nonetheless. I gathered up the Spring/Summer clothes I plan to sell at the consignment store and will steam and get them on hangers tonight, paid bills online, went the gym, and then to a dentist appointment for a routine check-up and cleaning; apparently I have the teeth of a twenty year old but the gums of a thirty-five year old because I’m so lame about flossing. I’m adding regular flossing to my growing list goals for 2010 because goodness knows I don’t want to walk around with twenty-year-old teeth and thirty-five year old gums! The dentist was very complimentary, but the hygienist lectured me on the benefits of flossing and gave me a bit of a gentle scolding. I made plans to meet Karen for lunch tomorrow, and Anne and Lisa P. next Wednesday. I got word today that I must have failed that dot test because the insurance company approved the request for the eye surgery as it is not considered a cosmetic procedure; yeah for me! I got home just in time for a teary Oprah about a young boy who lost his twin brother to brain cancer and is coping by baking cookies to raise money for a childhood cancer organization. Now I’m watching the news and feeling sad and depressed watching all the devastation in Haiti…simply heartbreaking. Help Now Help Now please donate to the Red Cross or another legitimate charity to help the people of Haiti.
I love the picture of the doll. Does she have any teeth?