I realize yesterday’s entry failed to mention anything at all about the day and was actually all about December 31, 2007. So I’d like to bring my readers up to speed on just exactly what went down on New Year’s eve 2009. I spent a lot of time at the gym in the morning first to workout and then to focus on my hair regimen. A little over two hours was spent at the gym between the workout and the whole hair maintenance thing. The hair thing takes a ton of time, but I’m really liking the results so like this blog I plan to keep it up. John hosted a retirement luncheon for his brother Will at 12:30 yesterday, so we gathered at the house for a delicious lunch and celebration. Joelle made two awesome salads, the chocolate cake from Wollet's was delicious, and John’s turkey burgers were of course juicy and tasty. After the luncheon John and the girls ran some errands and I stayed back at the house and chilled out. Around 7:00 we headed out to meet Will and Marie for a movie, It’s Complicated starring Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin…funny movie but a lame ending. After the movie we went back to Marie’s house for popcorn and champagne; apparently I am not alone in believing popcorn is a great substitute for dinner. Next John and I headed on over to Luci Ancora where the restaurant was only offering soup and dessert due to the late hour 11:00 PM. We had more champagne, peppery soup, and yummy yummy desserts tiramisu cheesecake for me, and I think John had bread pudding, but I was too busy scarfing down my dessert to notice what he was having. At midnight John took center stage…yes still at the restaurant in leading everyone in Auld Lang Syne for which he received warm applause; I believe the song was a nice opportunity for the patrons and the staff to greet the New Year with good cheer. After it was all over I might have bumped my head while crawling from under the table, we headed for home around 12:30. I didn’t wake up until 10:00 and didn’t leave John’s until 2:00 on this first day of 2010! Once I got myself going it turned out to be a fairly productive day, gym, errands, uploading photos, and of course ending the evening with another exciting blog entry.
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