I am hoping that by writing this blog post tonight I'll be able to stay awake for another hour or two. I finally woke up at 11:30 this morning! I couldn’t believe it was so late, but boy was it ever some good and much needed sleep. I had breakfast and headed off to the gym. Today was sunny and clear but cold, cold, cold. It was quite a shock to my system after spending the last three weeks in summer climates. After a light breakfast I hit the gym for my first real workout in three weeks! Because I was so late getting there I didn’t see any of my pals but am hoping to on Monday. I had a pretty good workout because although I haven’t been to the club in weeks, John and I managed to bike or hike practically every day while we were traveling. I spent extra time at the club deep conditioning my hair because the sauna is so great for that. I had intended to schedule an appointment with my hairdresser, Del Marie but her weekends book up far in advance, and even if she could have squeeze me in it would have meant spending several hours at the salon. It has been 4 months since my last professional hair appointment and although it seems to take forever to detangle my hair it looks pretty good and healthy. I tried an apple cider vinegar rinse (tip from my favorite Youtuber) ¼ ACV mixed with 2 cups of water the works as a clarifier. Maybe it’s my imagination but I think my hair looks shinier and feels softer after the ACV rinse. I ran a few errands before returning home. At home I did a couple loads of laundry and went through the pile of mail held by the post office. The only interesting thing in three weeks worth of mail was a letter from Alamo Rental Car claiming damage to the car we rented when Tracy and I were in Florida last month. I was speechless, but after speaking with the claims representative I calmed down and chilled out. Apparently, a bumper clip was missing from the car we rented and they are required to contact the last person to rent the car before the damage was discovered. The claims representative was very nice and told me not to worry that it was just a form letter and she doubted I would hear from Alamo again…whew. Now I’m watching the opening ceremony of the Olympic games and struggling to keep my eyes open.
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