Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

John made blueberry pancakes served with strawberries and orange juice for breakfast..yummy. We had planned to go out to dinner tonight but with the trip to WY only two days off, he's feeling too rushed and I'm still feeling too sleepy. We will have our Valentine's day dinner in Jackson Hole later this week.

I spent most of the day at John's house playing around with my 500+ vacation photos! I didn't take my computer on vacation so all of my photos were uploaded to his PC. I'm having a heck of a time copying them over to a disk to upload to my computer so I'll try a flash drive Tuesday. Every time I think I've copied the pictures to a disk when I insert the CD my computer reads it as a blank! Ugh! Well as you can see from today's earlier post I have managed to transfer many of the Cook Island photos over the my computer, and I'm busily working on collages and I hope to get together a slideshow for your viewing pleasure soon.

I added a lot to today's earlier post so if you haven't read it since this morning you should check it out again and the photo mosaic.

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